Welcome to the Master Sharpening Stone
You have arrived at a place for healers of different modalities and skill levels to come sharpen and polish their craft. The path to Mastery is never ending because Mastery is not a fixed destination. Mastery is the dynamic way one approaches their own refinement. Through the pursuit of our own betterment we are able to help others, and by better knowing others we are able to truly know our selves.
My name is Chilán Mustain. I am an Acupuncturist, Herbalist and Shiatsu Practitioner by trade and formal academic training. However, life is always much deeper than what it says on paper… My path to becoming a healer began as a very young child. Some of my most formative memories from early childhood are of harvesting medicinal herbs and participating in traditional indigenous ceremonies. As we journey through these podcasts, classes and videos together, you may get to know more about me but more importantly, you will get to know more about yourself.
“Pedagogy of Beginners Mind: Learn from giver. Learn as receiver. Learn as giver. Learn from receiver. Be the vessel that is both!”